Lev Durov Age, Birthday, Biography, Wiki, Movies & More

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Lev Durov Age, Birthday, Also Know as, Place of Birth, Biography, Wiki, Filmography, Date of Birth, Acting, Direction, Production info

Lev Durov

Lev Durov Biography / Wiki

Name Lev Durov
Also Know Lev Durov, Лев Дуров, Дуров Лев Константинович
Gender Male
Known For Acting
Place of Birth Moscow, RSFSR, USSR [now Russia]
Date of Birth 1931-12-23
Age(as in 2022) 83
Deathday 2015-08-20

Lev Durov Acting Movies

Movie Name Character Release Date Overview
Old Men: Colonels 2007-11-11 The adventures of two old friends: Andrey Andreevich – the former KGB colonel and Oleg Borisovich – former chief of police….
Adventures of Vasia Kurolesov “Rasp” (voice) 1981-06-06 A comic mystery about Vasia Kurolesov who is trying to become a detective….
Don’t Be Afraid, I’m with You San Sanich 1981-06-29 The story developed during XX century in Russian empire, Azerbaijan. Two circus actors Rustam and his friend San Sanich travel to a village where Rust…
Seven-Forty Gusev 1992-01-01 The group of immigrants who depart to the United States, by chance finds itself in a deserted forest. Cut off from the civilized world, they begin to …
The Lost Galaxy 1989-03-25 An extraterrestrial tries in vain to establish contact with scientists on Earth….
Gentle 1991-01-01 Based on the novel of the same name by Fyodor Dostoevsky. A penniless girl marries a pawnbroker. The spouses do not understand each other because of t…
Житие и вознесение Юрася Братчика 1967-02-01
Rabbit reserve 1973-01-01 Negligent, but the enterprising workers of a forest area “Rabbit reserve” unexpectedly wiped out all the rabbits. Now it remains only to wait for a sc…
Зачем человеку крылья 1985-04-29 Also titled Vasia the Midwife…
…И другие официальные лица 1976-11-08
Клад 1988-12-22
34th Express 1981-12-30 Fast train N34 went exactly on schedule. The passengers were quietly getting ready for bed when the empty compartment from the outstanding cigarette l…
Different People 2015-04-13 An oldster has been reading a book in a bookstore for several days. The staff react to it differently……
The Actors Pochenovsky 1992-10-01 A young man follows a theatre troupe during their tour….
Мы с Шерлоком Холмсом Big (voice) / Биг, бандит-коротышка 1985-04-23
Strange Adults 1975-12-31
Mologa. Russian Atlantis 2011-11-06 This city is no longer on the map. In the 30-40s of the twentieth century, during the construction of the Rybinsk reservoir, seven hundred villages, o…
Meshcherskie 1995-04-12 The dramatic chronicle of the Meshchersky family is a story about the post-revolutionary life of three representatives of the Russian intelligent fami…
Давайте без фокусов… иллюзионист Тарасов 1992-07-10
Also People Zaletayev 1959-01-01 Based on an excerpt from the novel by L.N.Tolstoy “War and Peace.”
The war of 1812. The defeated Napoleonic army is retreating. Three Russian soldier…
Туфли с золотыми пряжками Царь 1976-12-31
Easy Money Jerr Talbot 1972-01-01 Teleplay based on the story of the same name by Evan Hunter. The traveling salesman Jerr Talbot joins the publishing house “The Bible For Home”. Publi…
Ау, ограбление поезда Vladimir Ivanovich 1991-11-10
Солнечный зайчик (voice) 1978-09-27
The Scarlet Flower Händler 1978-08-25 A merchant is living in a fairytale Russia of hundreds of years ago. When he is making a journey to market, his three daughters each ask for a present…
Doroga v Paradiz Бог 1991-06-06 “Дорога в Парадиз” в переводе означает дорогу в рай. Туда и стремится молодой герой…
Farewell Pinegin 1983-02-23 Matyora is a small village on a beautiful island with the same name. The existence of the village is threatened with flooding by the construction of a…
Как стать счастливым 1986-01-01
Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes Arthur 1967-05-05 Phone conversation between an abandoned husband and his friend….
Vesenniye perevyortyshi 1974-10-21 A story of a thirteen year old boy who lives in North Russia and is forced to make some difficult decisions….
Smirennoye kladbishche Petrovich 1989-12-01 The main character Vorobei is a professional grave digger and alcohol addict, who runs away from hospital to dig graves instead of treating his head b…
Не бойся, я с тобой! 1919 San Sanych 2013-11-15 Along with the dangerous adventures, the film also reflects the love of two young heroes. As in Romeo and Juliet, they are the children of two opposin…
Never Guessed and Didn’t Expect Roman Ivanovich Dolgorukov 1982-06-06 In an ordinary Soviet apartment, where an ordinary Soviet family lives, suddenly … the donkey breaks in. All attempts to expel the animal end in vai…
Why Wouldn’t We Send… a Messenger? Yakov 1998-07-06 A farmer who has been bankrupted by bankers goes to Moscow in search for the truth….
Bespredel Major Markelov, Head of operational control section C.L.C. 1989-06-06 Using an elaborate system of denunciation, the chief of the Zone keeps his prisoners in check. A new inmate, allegedly imprisoned for speculating on p…
Going to Search 1966-11-14
На ясный огонь 1976-04-15
Sadko the Rich (voice) 1975-02-09 The poor Sadko plays such wonderful melodies on his gusli that even the ocean king is captivated by it….
Cousin Pons 1978-01-28 The lack of spirituality and the limitations of the “respectable” bourgeois turn the values of art into a means of profit, into an object of vanit…
Kashtanka 1975-04-04 The lost dog Kashtanka is picked up on the street by circus actor Monsieur Georges. He gives her a new name – Aunt and, having prepared a number with …
Two on the Steppes Sinyaev 1962-07-05 In the summer of 1942, the Soviet army is fighting the Germans on the Don River. Young lieutenant Ogarkov gets lost in the steppe and fails to deliver…
Динозавры ХХ века 1990-02-03
Однокашники 1978-10-28
Here, Not Far Away 1979-01-01
Разрушитель волн 1989-01-01
Ночь перед Рождеством 1997-01-01 “The Night Before Christmas” is a Russian puppet cartoon that was created by director Ekaterina Mikhailova at the studio “AnimaFilm” of the Moscow Chi…
Success Pavlik Platonov 1984-06-06 A drama about a complicated life of a director in a small provincial theater….
The Only Road Petrov 1975-01-10 Partisans attack a column of hundred german trucks cisterns, that carry fuel to the front. However, their action is difficult, as Germans have chained…
Three from Prostokvashino Sharik the Dog (voice) 1978-06-06 Little Fedor brings a cat to home despite his mother’s distaste for cats. He runs away with his talking cat, to make more friends on the way….
Winter in Prostokvashino Sharik the Dog (voice) 1984-06-06 A third movie about Fyodor and his friends from the Prostokvashino village and their adventures – this time during the winter….
Vacations in Prostokvashino Sharik the Dog (voice) 1980-06-06 The continuation of the adventures of Fyodor and his friends from the Prostokvashino village….
Kseniya, Fyodor’s Beloved Wife Sidorov 1974-12-23 Fyodor and Kseniya for many years worked at various construction sites. They constantly moved from one hostel to another and dreamed of their own cozy…
The Story of the Voyages Kidnapper 1983-09-04 In this fantasy with dragons and flying machines, 10-year-old Marta is determined to find her brother who was kidnapped at Christmastime by a fake Sai…
Medved – Sticky Leg Заяц 1984-01-01
The Gray Wolves Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan 1993-09-01 The film depicts the events of 1964 when Nikita Khrushchyov was forcibly replaced by Leonid Brezhnev as a head of USSR….
Olga Sergeevna Angel 1975-10-13
Это мы, Господи!.. Полковник 1990-01-01
The Fire nymph Fedya’s grandfather / narrator (voice) 1979-05-28 In the forest two gold digger saw a fire nymph, foreshadowing is rich in gold deposits, and had a fight. This greatly angered the nymph. This story to…
Gangsters in the Ocean Boatswain 1992-02-10 A modern pirates attack Russian ship and imprison the sailors on the inhabited island….
Подлец 2017-11-02 russian comedy…
Posledniy boy mayora Pugacheva Ярослав Матвеевич 2007-07-01 During WWII, Major Ivan Vasilyevich Pugachev fights at the front, but after being wounded he is taken prisoner. During the offensive of the Soviet tro…
Облака 1973-09-10
About a Puppy The Beaver (voice) 1979-02-08
Male character 1999-09-05 The godfather of the provincial mafia is concerned about a series of attacks and terrorist attacks. Suspecting that someone from his former environmen…
The Garden Was Full of Moon 2000-07-01 Vera Andreyevna and Grigory Petrovich are an elderly couple who have had a long and happy life together. One day in the market Vera Andreyevna runs in…
Sheriff’s Star Моуди 1991-01-01 1991 television film adaptation of Sidney Sheldon’s 1970 novel The Naked Face….
Zhazhda nad ruchyom начальник партии 1968-01-01
Ваня Саша 1958-01-01
Школа Штабс-капитан 1980-01-01
Ivanko and Tsar Poganin 1984-04-30 A story about the boy Ivanko forced on an adventure to rescue his mother and all the villagers held captive by the evil King, who on his side has a wi…
Севастополь Markusha 1970-10-26
Город с утра до полуночи 1977-10-12
Претендент 1987-08-04
Athenian Nights 1999-12-01 A New Year 2000 evening become vey strange for one family – thanks to the grandma….
Shakh’s Diamonds 1992-06-01 A criminal story which started when a young bartender Mikhail lost all his money and decided to robe a private diamonds collection….
Armed and Very Dangerous Seller of secrets 1977-01-01 America’s Wild West of the last third of the 19th century. Thousands of people rushed here in pursuit of enrichment. Among them was Gabriel Conroy, …
Don’t Play the Fool… 1997-01-01 Americans decided to make sure that in the Arkhangelsk region village was found a diamond deposit, and sent there under the command of the submarine b…
A Wolf from Vesyegonsk 2004-08-26 A story about a relationships between man and wolf set in a very far away Russian village….
Guest from Kuban 1956-02-06 A young man comes to work to kolkhoz where no one knows that he has no experience whatsoever….
Captain of the Pilgrim капитан 1986-12-22 Junga Dick Sands takes the place of the dead captain and brings the Pilgrim ship to Africa, and not to America, as the vile villain and slave trader N…
Man From The “Alpha” Team 1992-01-02 The film tells the story of the life of a special detachment for soldiers whose every day is a real adventure ……
A Man at His Place 1973-05-28 A story about young man who is trying to turn his village into an agricultural center….
Amazing Berendeev Kopylov 1976-08-23 After starting learning in a technical school a young student Sergey Berendeev proves to everybody that he’s a real inventor….
A Quiet Day at the End of the War German 1970-04-01 As WWII comes to a close, a wounded Soviet soldier and a Kazak woman seek refuge in a church. In this holy place, they take time to rest and appreciat…
Повод 1986-01-01
Chyort s portfelem 1966-12-01
Especially dangerous 1979-06-04 One of the southern cities of Russia during the NEP. The famous doctor and his wife are killed, the person living opposite Schwartz is kidnapped. The …
Nikita’s Childhood 1992-01-14 A story about the childhood of ten years old boy Nikita set in 1922 Russia….
Крестьянский сын 1975-01-01
Жить по-своему 1977-10-24
Путина 1972-03-25
Лесные сказки (voice) 1978-09-27
Bambi’s Youth Eagle Owl 1986-06-06 Second of the two movies bases on the novel “Bambi, a Life in the Woods” written by Felix Salten….
Year of calf Kolkhoz Chairman 1986-06-06 The young energetic Lyudmila Petrovna Nikitina, who worked as a milkmaid on the farm, decided to radically change her life. Settling the head of a rur…
Bumbarash Rich Peasant 1972-05-01 Private Bumbarash, considered lost in the First World War, suddenly returned to his native village, where no one recognizes, because the money for the…
Sympathy Seeker Cosmonaut 1997-12-07 A Christmas story, almost a fairy tale. An ordinary Russian girl brought up without a father could not even think that one fine day she would find him…
Jack Vosmyorkin, American 1986-12-20 Jack Vosmyorkin, young American with Russian origins decides to return to Russia in order to watch October Revolution in action….
It Was the Fourth Year of the War 1983-09-12 A group of Russian spies are trying to gather an important information about the German forces before the attack of the Soviet Army in this action mov…
Good Morning Яша 1955-05-26
Girl without dowry 1974-11-19 Larisa Ogudolova (Nina Alisova), unlike her sisters, refuses to obey her mother’s wish that she marry a wealthy old man in order to collect a dowry. S…
Ветер «Надежды» 1978-01-01
Prince Vladimir Boyan (voice) 2006-02-09 The plot follows the events surrounding Vladimir from childhood and into adulthood. In the beginning of the film, being under the influence of the hig…
The Red Snowball Tree 1974-03-25 A thief named Egor, having served a term in prison, goes to the country to meet his pen-friend Lyuba, a kind genial village woman. Egor comes to love …
Love 1991-12-01 Two Moscow students are mostly concerned with scoring with women but their lives change radically when one of them falls for a Jewish girl whose famil…
Land, Poste Restante Zygmunt Skarbek 1973-03-26 Based on a true story about Soviet spy Lev Manevich. He lives in Italy and operates in the Nazi Germany and Austria. Manevich, who is posing as a busi…
Тайна Эдвина Друда Дёрдлс 1980-09-15
Песня табунщика 1957-03-12
Ilf and Petrov Rode in the Tram prokhozhiy/Gusev-Lebedev 1972-08-19 The film tells about the life of the Soviet country in the 30s of the twentieth century, based on the feuilletons and notebooks of famous writers Ilya…
Гори-гори ясно 1983-10-11
A Man from Boulevard des Capucines Coffin maker 1987-06-23 Mr Jonny First arrives to the Wild West to present the art of the Cinematograph….
Ubiystvo v Sunshine Menor Malahiya 1992-06-06 Профессор Ян Драммонд, новым изобретением которого заинтересовались русские и ам…
The Pretty Man 1978-01-01 A story about a married man who suddenly decides to leave his wife and marry rich woman….
Koe-chto iz Gubernskoy Zhizni 1983-06-06 Ироническая комедия, которая соединила в себе ранние рассказы A.П.Чехова “Предложе…
The Polynin Case 1970-06-16 A story about a love between a Soviet Army officer and an actress set during the WWII….
The Dog In Boots The Fishing Dog (voice) / рыбацкий пёс / гончий 1981-10-03 The story about an enamored singing dog who isn’t thoroughbred – that’s a minus, but honorable – that’s a plus….
Верой и правдой 1979-01-01
The Captain’s Daughter Savelyich 1978-06-05 TV show based on the novel of the same name by Alexander Pushkin….
Аварийное положение Валерьян 1973-01-01
Teens in the Universe академик Филатов 1974-11-05 Interstellar expedition equipped by “pioneers”(soviet scouts) reached Alpha Kassiopea and found that smart robots took control on hole planet. Their o…
Moscow-Cassiopeia академик Филатов 1974-09-23 Start of interstellar expedition equipped by “pioneers”(soviet scouts)….
Bambi’s Childhood Friend Owl 1985-06-06 In the forest a holiday — the deer Bambi was born, the son of the leader, the prince, the heir to the crown. Bambi is still small, and the whole hug…
Suse, liebe Suse 1975-02-27 Suse works as a truck driver on a major construction site. The young woman has a hard life behind her. She was foundling, was raised by farmers. Manne…
Some Words in Honour of Mr. De Molière 1973-05-01 Episodes from the life of Molière with scenes from his play, revealing the tragic picture of the confrontation between the great playwright and the a…
Морские рассказы «Scorpion» 1967-09-18
Георгий Седов 1975-11-17
Nose 1977-12-30 A fantasy about an official whose nose has escaped….
The Fourth 1972-12-09 American journalist gets a sensational material but is afraid to publish it……
Lullaby for Brother Kirill’s father 1982-06-06 Every year in the summer the guys meet in order to go on another sailing trip. All of them were very lucky to have faithful and devoted friends. But t…
Come Here, Mukhtar! 1964-01-01 Mukhtar comes to live and work at the police kennels through rather unusual circumstances. Together with his handler, Glazychev, Mukhtar helps to solv…
Walking the Streets of Moscow First Lieutenant at the Police Station 1964-04-11 Young men wander around Moscow as a last hurrah before a wedding….
Old Men: Robbers Шофёр инкассаторской машины 1971-01-01 An old detective does not want to retire. The only way out is to prove to his boss that he still can catch criminals. The problem is that there were n…
Стратегия риска 1978-11-28
Пошехонская старина 1977-01-01
Domestic Circumstances 1977-06-06 Multiply love stories are going around the young family including the newlyweds parnts and even… a grandmother….
Pippi Longstocking 1984-06-06 Peppi-the-Longstocking, a super-strong redheaded little girl, moves into her father’s cottage Villa Villekulla, and has adventures with her next-door …
Открытая книга 1974-09-16
A Span of Earth Sergeant 1964-12-21 The film is about the hot war summer of 1944. A group of several gun crews defends a tiny bridgehead on the right bank of the Dniester. The fates of …
Про Клаву Иванову Ensign 1970-03-08
Шакалы 1990-01-01
The Master and Margarita Matthew Levi 1994-06-06 Master is a talented writer in Moscow working on a manuscript about the biblical Jesus and Pontius Pilate. Authorities in Moscow are harassing Master …
Личное счастье 1977-09-20
Вся королевская рать Рафинад 1971-08-28
Step Forward Georgi Dmitriyevich 1975-12-12 Five sad and funny romantic stories about love……
Brillianty dlya diktatury proletariata Pozhamchi 1975-11-03 In 1921, the Cheka became aware that gold and jewelry were stolen from the treasury of Gokhran, and that a special organization was involved in transp…
On the Way to Lenin Kuzma Sukharin 1970-04-15 A train travels through the vastness of Russia, a train with German prisoners of war returning home, and Viktor Kleist, a young German communist from …
Hope 1988-11-30 At only 19 years old, Vladimir Olhosvky, fleeing the Russian Revolution and going into exile in Mexico City, will have to make his way in a new countr…
Александр Белявский. Личное дело Фокса Self – Народный артист СССР 2012-10-12
Naval Cadets III Denisov – general kavalerii 1992-11-20 There is a seven-year war, Russian soldiers are forced to fight for the interests of France and Austria against Prussia. The midshipmen continue to se…
First Girl White Guard 1969-03-10 Based on the story of the same name by Nikolai Bogdanov.
Summer 1919. After the sons of the kulaks deserted and went into the woods, in the remote Ru…
A Leap Year Malyutka 1961-12-25 On the streets of the regional city, a cheerful holiday bustle reigns. The apartment of the Kupriyanovs is also noisy — friends of their youngest da…
Gop-Stop 2011-04-28
Lebedev vs. Lebedev passazhir v Metro 1965-11-06 The modest and indecisive Lebedev in his dreams sees himself as strong and courageous. Mentally, he stands up for an unfairly demoted colleague, but i…
Waiting for a Miracle Judge 2007-04-05 The story of a young girl who believes in miracles. The guys do not pay any attention to her, at work, her ideas are stolen and used, friends conside…
A Boulevard Romance 1995-04-10 The film was shot on the story of Valentin Pikul “Go and do not sin”, which tells about the real events that took place in Russia at the beginning…
Yegor Bulychyov and Others Trumpeter 1973-04-09 In the center of the film is a powerful, peculiar, talented Russian man, the largest timber merchant Yegor Bulychyov. He is experiencing a tragic disc…
The Long Recess policeman 1972-06-06 A young teacher goes to a school for adults. He is younger than many of his students and some of them are starting to miss school….
The Variegateds Case комсорг цеха 1958-04-21 Sergey’s girlfriend desperately wants him to quit dangerous police job. But Sergey doesn’t want to abandon his new case which proves to be quite diffi…
Time, Forward! engineer 1965-11-21 The film is set in the 1930s in the USSR. The film tells about one day of the construction of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. The heroes of the…
The City of First Love Commissar 1970-01-27 The film tells about the inhabitants of the Russian city of Tsaritsyn-Stalingrad-Volgograd. The film consists of three novellas, united by the theme o…
Trust 1976-08-20 Directed by Edvin Laine and Viktor Tregubovich, Trust (1976) is a Finnish-Soviet historical drama film that follows the relations between Finland and …

Credit: TMDB

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