Sergey Barkovsky Age, Birthday, Biography, Wiki, Movies & More

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Sergey Barkovsky is a Russian film and television actor.

Sergey Barkovsky

Sergey Barkovsky Biography / Wiki

Name Sergey Barkovsky
Also Know Сергей Барковский, Sergei Barkovsky, Sergey Barkovskiy, Sergey Barkovski, Sergei Barkovskiy, Sergei Barkovski
Gender Male
Known For Acting
Place of Birth Alma-Ata, Kazakh SSR, USSR [now Almaty, Kazakhstan]
Date of Birth 1963-12-14
Age(as in 2022) 58

Sergey Barkovsky Acting Movies

Movie Name Character Release Date Overview
Double Surname Viktor 2006-01-01
The Last Tram 2014-07-05 Petya’s dream is to become a tram driver, and the boy has explored every corner of the tram depot located near his house. The lad is well acquainted…
The Inhabited Island 2: Rebellion Nolle Renadu 2009-04-23 Maxim Kammerer fights for his love and freedom. He leads a rebel movement challenging the five greedy rulers. One of the rulers, Strannik, knows how d…
Whispering Pages 1994-02-11 An anonymous man wanders through decomposing, fog-enshrouded catacombs and encounters a series of “the degraded and the humiliated,” including a h…
А.Д. 2009-02-01
Ниро Вульф и Арчи Гудвин: Летающий пистолет Frederick Veppler 2001-01-02
I Am a Clown 2021-09-13 The story of three great actresses applying for one role in the play, each of whom once had an affair with the artistic director of the theater. In th…
Бес 2008-04-30
The Conductor 2012-03-29 The famous conductor (Vladas Bagdonas) goes with his orchestra to Jerusalem to perform the oratorio “St. Matthew Passion.” The day before he receives …
Didn’t See Didn’t Do 2015-08-18 Pretty innocent game of two boys caused the man’s death. Now they have to decide what to do: hide it or tell the truth……
Котов обижать не рекомендуется 2018-10-19
The Monk and the Demon Бенкендорф 2016-09-08 Fantastic story of the first half of the XIX century about a monk named Ivan who must fight the dark forces in his monastery….
Archipelago 2021-06-10 The picture tells about the feat of Russian scientists who are sent to Svalbard as part of the Russian-Swedish expedition in order to measure the actu…
8 First Dates 2012-03-08 Vera is a TV star, her fiancé Constantine – a professional tennis player. They’re going to get married soon. Veterinarian Nikita and beautiful surgeo…
The Inhabited Island Nolle Renadu 2008-12-18 On the threshold of 22nd century, furrowing the space, protagonist from the Free Search Group makes emergency landing on an unknown planet where he mu…
Бабоньки Венедикт, редактор 2016-04-14
The Envelope 2017-11-30 A strange envelope is delivered to an architect bureau by mistake. Igor, a driver, gets the task to bring it to the right address. From that moment hi…
A Room and a Half Benckendorff 2009-01-23 A semi-fictional account of the life of Russian poet Joseph Brodsky, who was forced into American exile in 1972….
Battle for Sevastopol General Oktiabrskiy 2015-04-02 The story of Lyudmila Pavlichenko, the most successful female sniper in history….
The Ugly Swans 2006-10-19 In the near future, writer Victor Banev gets himself on a UN commission to investigate what’s going on in the remote town of Tashlinsk, where reports …
Crawfishlike 2009-10-15 Michal Michalych who almost felt like “had it all” suddenly meets a young girl who never ate “crawfishlike”……
8 New Dates 2015-01-01 Vera and Nikita have been married for 3 years. In the midst of another joyful quarrel they exchange views on what should be a “normal man” and “a good…
1814 надзиратель Пилецкий 2007-12-27 Detective story set up in the time and place of young Pushkin, at Tsarskosel’sky Liceum….
The Sky Court Савва Мефодьевич Чинушин 2012-05-31
Last Hero 2012-03-30 Once the main character Andrei worked at a hot spot as a peacemaker and rescued his co-worker Victor. Victor promised Andrei that he would always reme…
The Christmas Miracle Twins 2000-12-21 During Christmas, in the winter sky are shining magic stars and miracles happen. The story of a talented man who had a gift and love….
The Winter Will Not Come 2014-11-25 The world is going absolutely crazy when the giant meteor is approaching Earth……
Poor, Poor Pavel Rogerson 2003-06-21 Lenfilm’s most recent major production spins a kind of historical fantasy based on real incidents that’s full of ominous implications for today. One n…
Red Mercury Vjateslav Eduardovitsh 2010-04-09 It’s the early 90’s. A new currency is in circulation in Estonia – the kroon. The former federal republic has become a world leader in non-ferrous met…
The Parent 2022-09-22 Struggling for a daughter, hooked on heroin, the father had to get acquainted with the underground life of Saint-Petersburg. He doesn’t trust the po…
Игра в модерн 2003-01-01
The Key 1992-07-01 St. Petersburg. Winter of 1917, the eve of the February Revolution. The maid finds in the room the corpse of the murdered tenant. In his pocket, a hot…
The 5th Execution 2011-03-24 On a remote island in Southeast Asia, a team of scientists, studying the regenerative properties of the salamander, discovers what their Bangkok headq…
Vanished Empire 2008-02-14 This story take place in Moscow during the 1970s and unfolds around the love triangle between two young men and a girl who study at the same universit…
Silver Skates 2020-12-10 1899, the Christmas-time St.Petersburg. Ice-covered rivers and canals of the capital seethe with festive activities. On the eve of the new century tho…
The Admirer 2012-01-24 A story based on love between Anton Chekhov and a young writer Lidiya Avilova….
Attraction 2017-01-26 After an alien ship crash lands in a Russian city, many who see the inside and the occupants start to question their own existence while others demand…
The Arrival of a Train 1996-10-08 Almanac of five short stories commissioned by ROSKOMKINO to celebrate the 100th anniversary of cinema….
Your Own Alien Life 2004-05-04 Director Andrey Kalistratov is making a multi-part television film about the literary life of Petrograd after the Civil War, about the House of Arts, …
Gena-Concrete 2014-10-11
Khrustalyov, My Car! 1999-01-13 Military doctor General Klenski is arrested in Stalin’s Russia in 1953 during an anti-Semitic political campaign accused of being a participant in so-…

Credit: TMDB

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